Welcome to South Manchester Radio and Computing Club Also Known As (South Manchester Radio Club)

S.M.R.C.C. aims to promote interest in all aspects of Amateur Radio as a hobby. Key features:-

  • Our weekly Thursday night face-to-face group meetings have resumed.  We have technical lectures, group discussions, and Morse classes.
  • We meet on-air in weekly nets on the 3.5, 50 and 145 MHz bands.  See the net lists below. Visitors are welcome to join any net and chat with Club members.
  • Monday at 20:00 LT our digital chatroom net using YSF GB-SMRCC
  • Tuesday 20:00  find us on or near 145.475 MHz FM.
  • Wednesday at 20:00 find us on the 6-metre frequency of 51.530 MHz..
  • Sunday HF GX2HW Nets 5.335Mhz 08:00Hrs (3.666Hhz 10:00Hrs November to March)
  • Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced courses with access to on-line training environment
  • Morse proficiency files.   For e-mail practice files contact contact@smrcc.org.uk
  • Radio, computing and electronic experimentation
  • Microcontrollers are an important interest amongst our members.

Our WiKi Pages have a host of information on projects that the club members are building. These are available to all on a read only basis. You can read them by clicking on https://smrcc42.groups.io/g/main/wiki

An example of a project is TinyGS. The club satalite project. The link to the display page can be found at https://tinygs.com/station/South_Manchester_Radio_Club@6767578968

We now have our remote TinyGS station up and running in Mauritius thanks to Paul G8AFC. The link to display the page can be found at https://tinygs.com/station/3B8HE_CocoVilla_SMancRC@6606812187

Membership costs just £30.00 per year. If you wish to join or re-join the club please download the membership form and follow the instructions (Membership Application Form .doc)

Our Constitution can be downladed here Final Constitution - 2023.pdf 

To find out more drop into one of our meetings (location and time at bottom of this page) or join in one of our on-air nets—you will be assured of a warm welcome).  or send an email to use and we will get back to you at  contact@smrcc.org.uk

You can also follow us on Twitter or Facebook:-



or visit our stand at one of the events below :-

The Norbreck rally in Blackpool is on Sunday April 21st 2024.